My first birdwatching trip overseas was to the Spanish island of Mallorca, and it was a revelation – the light, warmth and quintessential Mediterranean species wherever I looked - I was already planning further excursions.
Trips to Andalucia, Pyrenees and Extremadura followed and for many years I became a seasonal annual migrant leading birdwatching groups to some of the most special regions of this beautiful country.
Eagle Owl, day roost at Monfrague
Great Bustards, La Serena
Griffon (Waiting for owl), Monfrague
Eagle Owl profile
Dave finds the chicks
Eagle Owl at Portilla del Tietar
First Eagle Owl at Lumbier
Bonelli's Eagle at Cabanos del Castillo
Bonelli's Eagle
Bustards in the rocks, La Serena
Bustards, Montys and Calandras